Middle School West Auckland
Middle School West Auckland (MSWA) provides outstanding education for boys and girls in Years 7-10. The school is spread across a split site with the largest campus being Jack Ralston House, located at 287-289 Lincoln Road. accomodating up to 180 students in three villas. Pohutukawa Villa is the school's Te Reo bilingual unit, accomodating up to 60 students, located at 22-24 Waipareira Avenue in Henderson.
The school provides an excellent academic programme through an integrated, project-based curriculum, which reflects the Eight Essential Learning Areas as stated in the NZ Curriculum - overlaid by a clear Christian philosophy and Christian values.
Parents are an integral part of school life and are regularly kept informed of their child’s progress. Each child has their own individual programme and all staff know each students educational needs and strive to ensure they are met. Every student has the opportunity to develop and direct their own learning.
MSWA aims to develop the individual talents of every one of its students and to teach them to relate the experience to, and learn through, the everyday world. Good behaviour, social skills and good manners are also taught and expected at all times. With just 15 students to a class and 60 to a villa, the expert educators are able to work personally with and offer guidance to every student.
Full advantage is taken of the excellent learning resources in the local community. The unique day structure focuses on academic work in the mornings, with afternoons dedicated to community learning, sports, art and music.
There are no fees and all uniform and stationery is provided